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Your answer is in your own Bible and found in Deuteronomy 17:18-20.

The king is told he needs “the Book.” V18. “It shall be WITH him”…always. V19. Why? V19 “he shall READ THEREIN ALL the DAYS OF HIS LIFE:”

7 Blessings Of Bible Reading:

LEARN to fear the Lord.
KNOW what laws to keep.
Kept humble.
Established - not turn
Long Life
CONTINUE - his kingdom
Blessed children

1,2 … MENTAL …Mind needs the WORD!
3-5 …Physical, Social, Emotional WORD!
6 …Material and social care - WORD!
7 …Happy family - by the WORD!

“He shall READ therein ALL the DAYS of his LIFE” How can anyone honestly question consistent, constant, daily, READING THE BIBLE THROUGH? How can you refuse to do it? What will you say when you stand in His presence and the BOOK will face you there?
Remember SAUL REFUSED TO HAVE A COPY OF THE BOOK - SAUL DID NOT READ DAILY THROUGH THE BOOK - SAUL'S confused, unstable life, his mental illness, his hates and outlandish conduct and eath should warn us all - DO NOT NEGLECT TO READ DAILY THROUGH AND KNOW GOD'S WORDS.

Just one hour daily reading the Bible through - Purpose - Plan - Schedule - Record. This does not hinder prayer and study time. All 3 Read-Pray-Study are separate and different. Bible reading through has suffered most in the past. Proper balance between the 3 is the only safe policy, no matter what you have been doing - make room for Bible Reading in your daily schedule and be sure to have a purpose-plan-schedule-keep a record.

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