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What is Considered Good Reading?

The National Reading Institute reports 200 words a minute poor reading. 250 words a minute is good. 400 words a minute is excellent. If you read less than 200 words a minute the mind wanders off to other things. The mind is a computer that picks up ideas - not words. As long as you get the idea from what you read, a better rate of reading is yours from practice, practice and more practice, reading from a set number of pages an hour, then a few more pages the next day, and gradually move your reading rate up and when you go back a bit in your words per minute, you will still be doing better than when you get started.

For all considerations we will use the slowest rate - 200 words a minute in following paragraphs. This 200 words per minute is not reading, but a suggestion to help you discontinue dragging your reading through the Bible. You can read too fast and you can read too slow - by far the greater percentage of Bible readers read much too slow. This is a bad habit. You will lose interest. You will quit reading your Bible through. Slow reading is why so many people do not and have not read the Bible through in the past.

When you read the Bible at 200 words a minute (about 10 verses), for one hour a day, you WILL read the Bible through in 2 MONTHS or 6 times a year. Are you surprised? Thousands of people are surprised about this.

When you read the Bible at 200 words a minute (and that is slow reading), for only ½ hour or 30 minutes daily, you will read the Bible through in 4 MONTHS or 3 times a year! Are you still surprised?

Someone has written that 2/3 of all Bible books (44 of 66) are small books, AND CAN BE READ THROUGH, each one of the 44, in 30 MINUTES OR LESS! IF two small books are read in 1 hour each day, TWO THIRDS OF THE ENTIRE BIBLE IS READ THROUGH IN ONLY 22 DAYS! IF the remaining 22 longer books are read through, one a day, THE ENTIRE BIBLE CAN BE READ THROUGH IN 44 DAYS or 6 weeks and 2 DAYS! THAT'S 8 TIMES THROUGH YEARLY!

If you READ THE Bible through only once a year - 5 pages daily - you will not remember what you read because your thoughts will not hold together because other thoughts will crowd into the mind, and you are not taking enough of the Word into your mind and heart to do much good.

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