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Today is Sunday and while in class, I puzzled over some thoughts that had enter into my thought process. For example, why did I wear blue socks with a green suit? I wonder if anyone noticed? then another thought. How big of a piece should I break off during the passing of the bread? Ever wonder if your pew neighbor looks at you funny, thinking you just ate your Sunday lunch for what you pinched off?

Anyway, seriously I wondered when does a temptation become a sin? Keith (my teacher) made a great point to me that I thought I should pass on. Temptations vary from people to people and the degree of what that temptation is only measured by the desires of each person being tempted. Obviously, drinking alcohol is not much of a temptation for me because that is not my weakest link while for someone else that temptation could be a family breaker especially if Satan is successful. I have a deep desire that anytime I see a pinata, I vision myself beating the living tar of that donkey until only the ears remain but that is another counseling session. What if I just thought about sinning and didn't physically do it? Physical action doesn't constitute the sin. Sin happens before physical reaction.

I used to have a 10 second rule. If I dwell on something longer than 10 seconds than it was a sin. However, I have come to understand that I am assuming all temptations are quickly fought and overcome. This understanding was incorrect. I have found that sometimes it takes more than 10 seconds to not eat that last piece of pie after eating a whole turkey at Thanksgiving. It takes me longer than 10 seconds sometimes to not want to curse my head off after I have hit my finger with a hammer which by now, with my handyman skills, my finger automatically swells when I walk into a Home Depot.

I have found the best answer lies in the struggle. When you give up and stop fighting the temptation that is when your temptation becomes a sin. For example, if I being a macho man place my attention on some "eye candy" in Wal-Mart (Walmart has everything don't they) and my attention stays on her and I no longer fight the fact that God's Word states even looking upon a woman and lusting after her is a sin. I continually and willing dwell on her, I have sinned. If I think of her and sincerely pull my thoughts back into proper prospective and then my irrational manhood goes back to her and I pull it back into prospective again with sincerity to beat this temptation...so far I have not sinned. However, once I decide I will quite SINCERELY fighting this temptation and just dwell on her, then it becomes a sin. This fight can go on for a few seconds or a few minutes. That level of temptation depends upon your weakness. What is your weakness? How long does it take before you give in?

This is a profound thought and I beg you to take a moment read your Bible for yourself. Study this understanding for yourself and don't depend on anyone other than the WRITTEN Word of God to bring you into better understanding of His ways.

Next: I will discuss the PURPOSE OF TEMPTATIONS. You may be surprised on what you find out.

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